Sunday, October 25, 2015

Wifi was not my friend this week~

I am working on uploading pictures. If you have any pictures you want to share on the blog, please text them to me. I will be uploading the videos of the wreath layng ceremony to youtube and I will get those links soon.

I do want to say that the behavior of this group was wonderful. We have ALWAYS had great groups of students go with us to Washington DC and so our expectations were very high. After we ate dinner on Thursday night, the manager asked me to pull our group into a circle so he could speak with them. He thanked them for their wonderful politeness and mannerisms as they ate their dinner. He told them what a delight they were and that he needed more groups to behave as they did. The hotel paid them a huge complement (You should have seen their rooms parents! They were so clean after they packed up Saturday morning!) as well as our bus driver for the trip wrote them a thank you note for their behavior on the bus! Way to go Blackhawks! You rock!

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